Healthy Eating — 19 June 2013
How to Grow Organic Veggies in Containers

How To Grow Organic Veggies in Containers at Home.

Once you hit a crossroad that starts you on the path to healthy living, you might wonder what else could you do to eat healthy. As long as you have that mindset, you can open up new doors. For instance, if you love to eat organic veggies but cost got you down, you could try your hand at gardening. It has become a growing trend more and more each year. On top of that, it is a great way to save money on your groceries. However, some communities have what is known as a doorstep market. This is where a small farming co-op delivers fresh, organic produce to your doorstep each week. It is very cost effective but you can only buy what is in season. For the most part, you get produce that’s full of nature’s power. If you live in a large city where you don’t have a yard or you cannot find a farm co-op, you can still learn how to grow organic using containers in your own home.


Tips on How to Grow Organic Veggies in Containers.

Believe it or not, it only takes a handful of select items to make a container garden work in any environment. First you need to examine what you plan to grow. For a greenhouse scenario, you need some buckets or 3.8 gallon containers, a one gallon dripper and a low volume sprayer. For a home patio or backyard scenario, you could use any container as long it has good drainage through the holes. Make sure the containers you choose can hold the roots. I have heard of using plastic milk containers cut in half, clay pots, plastic buckets, hanging baskets, etc. Before growing an organic garden, pick a location that provides good sunlight for your plants. Select organic vegetables that you love and would be considered easy to start with. I like to plant (a) (a) spinach, (b) kale, (c) collards, (d) sweet potatoes, (e) corn, (f) carrots, (g) onions… If you read my Dark Leafy Greens post, you know how I feel about my greens. Tomatoes are very popular but do your homework to find out how much room the plan will need and if the produce will grow above or below the soil.


7 Reasons to Grow Organic Veggies.

1. You cut down cost on groceries.

2. No pesticides.

3. No chemicals on your plate.

4. It’s fresh produce.

5. It’s fun.

6. It’s better for the environment.

7. It’s the best kind of food.


How to Grow Organic Veggies.



What Tools do you need to Grow Organic Veggies?

1. Wooden stakes.

2. Large size spade.

3. Garden fork with wide spacing.

4. Mulch.

5. Hand-weeding tool.


Organic Gardening Tips.

Organic fruits and veggies are organic for a few reasons. Seed quality is just as important as what you grow it in. Here’s a side note: Choose organic veggies or fruits that have “mothers” who were organic too. If the source is organic the seeds should be too. Secondly, your soil cannot be “backyard red clay” or general potting soil. If you plant certain types of flowers, the greenhouse will normally suggest a special soil or feed those flowers need to thrive. Organic soil will give your plants what they need if you choose to grow organic produce.


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About Author

Mike "The Nrgizer" and Wendy are well known in their circles as being a health-focused couple. As nutrition and fitness coaches, they can make a difference in your life! They have done a variety of group chats, free fitness clinics, church fitness challenges, blogs, videos, etc. Do you want to improve your health or well-being? They can help you identify your wellness needs so you can live a healthier, more balanced life.

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