Shakeology Shake — 15 June 2012
Is Shakeology Price Worth It?

Is Shakeology Price A Good Investment?

I think this is a valid question especially if you don’t know the product or it’s value. And if something causes a shift in spending, you should be cautious. Having that said, let’s see what Shakeology is really worth and what it can do for you.



The Typical American Diet.

Most Americans have a diet loaded with

1. simple carbs.
2. saturated fats.
3. and limited fresh fruits and veggies.

What does that mean? (a) White breads, (b) white rice, (c) white flour and (d) white sugar have been stripped of its value and convert to sugars in the bloodstream. This cause spikes, which leads to crashes in your blood sugar. Canned fruits or fruit juices are processed or packed in sugars or corn syrup. This can reduce the nutritional value. Veggies anyone? A can of veggies, although a decent choice, will often get packed in salts and preservatives. What does that means for your body? The salt makes the body retain water, which in turn elevates the blood pressure. We need salt in our diets but processed foods have too much sodium. As you can see, the typical diet is in trouble. Toss in the limited time most parents have each day, ball games, after school activities and working late hours, and what you have is the perfect niche for the fast food industry. This is why fast food restaurants do so well today.



Is Shakeology Worth it. / Bowl of exotic fruit


This picture sums it all up. In order to get the same nutrition in a glass of Shakeology, you would need to eat all the fruits and veggies you see in the picture above. You get more than $40 worth of food for only $4 per day. Is Shakeology Price Really Worth it now?


Is Shakeology Price Worth The Money?


Gas For Your Engine.

The food we eat has to serve as fuel for our bodies. Do you run on high octane? The way you know is if your food has what the body needs. What does the body need, you ask? The body needs (a) roughage, (b) (c) (d) lean protein, (e) fiber and complex carbohydrates. Take a look at the ingredients in your typical fast food meal. Most of it is processed and very soft. Look at boxed dinners in the freezer section of a store. The mash potatoes are so complicated with ingredients. Where I come from mash potatoes are just potatoes with milk and maybe a little salt or pepper. Once you start reading labels you will be stunned.


What You Need To Know About Shakeology.

a. makes you feel great.
b. makes you feel full longer.
c. made from whole foods sources.
d. helps you fight disease.
e. It has a low G.I. of 24 (which is great for diabetics).



5 Healing Power Super Foods In Shakeology.

1. Chia Seed.

a. high source of omega-3 fatty acids.
b. rich in antioxidants.
c. relieves joint pain.
d. stimulates saliva flow.


2. Sachi Indhi.

a. an oil that comes from nuts.
b. nutrient dense omega-3 fats.
c. eases stiffness when you wake up.
d. helps relieve symptoms of depression.
e. helps improve your mobility.


3. Reishi Powder.

a. The Herb of Good Fortune.
b. helps improve your immune system.
c. returns your body’s balance back to normal.
d. helps reduce excess fatty acids.


4. Amaranth.

a. The Food of immortality.
b. Good source of vitamin A, B1, B2, and C.
c. protects against disorders such as

1. retarded growth.
2. recurring colds.


5. Yucon Root.

a. has more than 50% FOS (a sugar not easy to digest).


Don’t just take my word, watch video below.



Why Shakeology Price Is Worth It:

For a 30-day supply, the Shakeology price (retail-wise) runs about $4.33 per day when you use it as one meal replacement. That’s really a bargain compared to a $6 Burger King Whopper Combo with little or no nutritional value. Shakeology has a ton of great nutrients from plant sources. It is made up of more than 70 whole foods ingredients around the world. Is Shakeology Worth it? Click here to get more information.

Since you only get one body, treat it with respect and be good to it. Shakeology makes sense when you look at the long-term health benefits. You get all those (a) herbs, (b) fruits and (c) veggies in one shake. It gives your body the chance, once a day, to be treated with special care. On top of that, it gives your body a chance to repair damage.

Is Shakeology FDA Approved?
Because Shakeology is a supplement and not a drug, the FDA does not have to approve dietary supplements.

If you want to give it a taste test, we also offer that here on our website.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee:

We believe in the product so much that we offer a money-back, bottom-of-the-bag guarantee for your 30-day supply. That’s right! If you are not satisfied after one month, you can mail the empty bag for a full refund.

So what are you waiting for? Buy Now!

Yes! I Want To Buy Shakeology!



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About Author

Mike "The Nrgizer" and Wendy are well known in their circles as being a health-focused couple. As nutrition and fitness coaches, they can make a difference in your life! They have done a variety of group chats, free fitness clinics, church fitness challenges, blogs, videos, etc. Do you want to improve your health or well-being? They can help you identify your wellness needs so you can live a healthier, more balanced life.

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