New Workout Programs — 16 June 2012
Tai Cheng Review – Dr. Mark Cheng

Tai Cheng Review – Q&A with Dr. Mark Cheng:

Dr. Mark Cheng is a martial arts master with three decades of experience in Tai Cheng and a background in traditional Chinese medicine. In this Tai Cheng Review, he discusses his first impressions of Tai Chi and goes into depth about what Tai Cheng® can do for you. It’s a fun way to learn Tai Chi.


How did you first get started with martial arts?

My dad showed me how to punch and kick a little bit when I was four, but I really got started when I was ten and saw my father doing Tai Chi.

What impression did it make on you?

Oh man, when I saw him doing Tai Chi, I laughed my head off. When you are 10 and you’ve never seen slow-motion martial arts, it looks kind of like mime, but weirder. Then he showed me Tai Chi’s self-defense application and that totally piqued my interest.

How did he do that?

He goes, “Throw a punch.” I did. He then took my punch and guided it off to the side and almost flung me through the air. As a kid, that really got my attention.


Tai Cheng® Routines.

Tai Cheng® Routines.


What So Great About Tai Chi?

The totality of it. If your body is beaten down it helps rejuvenate it. If your body operates at a high level it can kick you to the next highest level. From a self-defense standpoint it’s fascinating to me and from a cultural standpoint, its levels of meaning interest me. How it’s still relevant today for those who fight for their longevity, fight to stay out of pain, and aim for productivity in their lives each day.


Is Tai Cheng named after you?

It has the same Romanization—the same way of spelling it in English—but there is another character that is pronounced slightly different. In Mandarin, my last name is “Tseung” and the character we decided to use was “Chung.” Chung means

1. evolution.

2. achievement.

3. attainment.

I wanted to give people an evolution in how they looked at their fitness, not just measuring it in terms of sets and reps and load, but how well it helps them function in the rest of their life.


Tai Cheng CP.


Tai Cheng teaches the 18 moves of Tai Chi but it also incorporates a Neural Reboot and other techniques.

What is the Neural Reboot?

By the time we reach adulthood these days, there are so many parking brakes put on our movement. If you watch 3-year-olds around the world, they are able to do the same movements with ease.

1. They can all deep squat.

2. They can all crawl.

3. and they can all roll over.

The Neural Reboot helps bring your body back to that primitive movement pattern so you can attain those ranges of movement that you’ve been robbed of. Some people can choose to look at it as a warm-up. But it’s so not just a warm-up.

How does the 90-day Tai Cheng program help adults regain or improve their (a.) flexibility, (b.) agility, (c.) strength, and (d.) much more?

We begin with the Neural Reboot and go into the Tai Chi movements. We were trying to give the body as much range of motion as possible. Once your body can explore ranges of motion without pain, then we move to gaining control in those ranges. For example, we’ve all made the mistake of trying to drive with the parking brake on. If you’re trying to stretch hard against a muscle that’s tight, it’s like gunning the gas pedal against the brake. It’s going to be counterproductive. Once you train the brake to be off, it’s easy for you. Then, you have a car with a great turning radius, perfect gas mileage, and the parking brake is off. So we need to teach you how that car handles so you’re not taking that turn too wide, crashing into the house, or braking too late or too early.


Who is Tai Cheng for?

Tai Cheng is for everybody. Regardless of your age or ability level, it can give you a stepping-off stone to more intense exercises, and if you exercise at an intense level it takes your fitness to the next level.



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About Author

Mike "The Nrgizer" and Wendy are well known in their circles as being a health-focused couple. As nutrition and fitness coaches, they can make a difference in your life! They have done a variety of group chats, free fitness clinics, church fitness challenges, blogs, videos, etc. Do you want to improve your health or well-being? They can help you identify your wellness needs so you can live a healthier, more balanced life.

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